The organisation

Twan van de Kerkhof

Twan van de Kerkhof

ELP was founded in 2003 by Twan van de Kerkhof. Twan found that leaders encountered three major pitfalls:

  1. being caught in the delusions of the day;
  2. a lack of reflection;
  3. and countervailing power.

To address these issues, he decided to organize Roundtables in which leaders could reflect on their own dilemmas and behaviour and share their insights with peers.

Pauline Kemper

Before founding ELP, Twan was a journalist for 15 years, a profession in which he sharpened his skill of asking penetrating questions. Twan has written seven books, all in Dutch, and one in English. You can find these books at or

Pauline Kemper

Pauline provides administrative support, keeping everything running behind the scenes and asking the difficult questions that keep our saw sharp. She has more than twenty years experience in administrative support and is the primary contact for any questions about invoicing and membership. She is enthusiastic about Nonviolent Communication as described in Marshall Rosenberg's books. Following courses in this topic and applying it in her daily life has led Pauline to a deeper understanding of others, and herself.

ELP’s Home

Our office and most of our meetings are in De Nieuwe Poort, a home for inspiration and connection at the Amsterdam Zuidas. De Nieuwe Poort is an oasis of tranquility in the centre of the most important business hub in the Netherlands. On the ground floor is an inviting café and restaurant, open from 08:00 until 23:00, where you can always drop in for coffee or lunch. Our office and meeting space are at the 1st floor.

Google maps will give directions for public transport and parking.

The ELP Moderators

We strongly believe that dialogue is more effective than discussion in addressing issues in a world of increasing complexity. These skilled ELP Moderators help our members to get the most out of their dialogue.

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Floris Alberse believes that everyone can make a difference. He trains leaders and teams in making that very difference. In their organization and in society as a whole. Furthermore, Floris chairs conferences about leadership. And he directs documentaries for the VPRO and NTR. About people who make a difference. What difference do you want to make?

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George Begemann is the best sparring partner for Executives in the Netherlands. "I love to create a safe environment where all can be shared. It creates the best base for your next step." See Make dreams work.

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Johan Bouwmeester is an experienced leader in the public domain with a passion for people. He advocates a value-driven approach in leadership development and organizational change and believes strongly in the creative potential of mankind. See

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Pieter Jan de Bree's work is connecting unconnected ideas and minds. He engages people's energy, ideas and relationships to solve tough and wicked problems.

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Josette de Goede combines consultancy and coaching for change with her membership of supervisory boards. Her passion is to find new sustainable balances in the way we organize our world. This demands most probably also a change in our ways of thinking and acting and needs courageous conversations.

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Judith Gunneweg worked for more than 25 years in the international ‘fast lane’ with companies like Shell and EY. She recently started her own company “Ssentia Ontwikkeling”. As a person, I have a deep desire to create a context where people see, feel and act the common sense of connecting leadership with sustainability. See

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Carin ten Hage. As an expedition leader Carin takes leadership teams towards future-proof concepts. “By exploring what can be, we can design our desired futures together.”

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Gert-Jan de Jong is a business creativity consultant. He helps executives create a context where people are willing and able to do the hard work that ongoing innovation requires. To train his own creative muscles, he also works as a photographer. See

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Renate Kamp, partner at Hollandse Nieuwe, is an experienced consultant and interim manager. She is co-owner of the consultancy and interim organisation 'Hollandse Nieuwe'. Her main field of interest is organisational change. She brings organisational change processes back to the core, never looses sight on the final purpose and always keeps in mind it's a people's business after all.

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Edwin Kuil works as HR-director for the Municipality of Utrecht. “As a moderator I like to create an open and safe environment in which the ELP members can talk freely about whatever arises.”

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Sandra van der Maarel has more than 20 years of experience guiding individuals, teams and organizations in profound change processes and leadership development. She has a background in business economics, psychology and therapy (systemic work ao). “Dialogue is the way to improve our human relationships and ways of working together.”

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Karin van Mensvoort, owner/founder Mens Advies, is an interim manager and consultant in the domain of change, specialized in integrity, culture and change of behavior and attitude. Prior to starting her own company, she worked for the Dutch police and KPMG. She is a cultural antropologist by education.

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Monique Noomen “I am fascinated by sport and the mentality that differentiates the true athlete from the rest. At Eiffel, we always focus on the change that enhances the result. Work smarter instead of harder.” See

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Mik van den Noort is an executive coach who assists leaders and teams in developing themselves and their actions. She helps teams to see through their patterns and give each other objective feedback. This improves their effectiveness. See

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Martian Slagter, Coach/Trainer Meer Perspectief, has more than 20 years experience as executive (team)coach and consultant. She advises organizations with change management and leadership development.

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Angelica Thijssen is Chief HR Officer of Intertrust. She is responsible for HR and CSR. As a person, she is intrigued how people can find the courage to follow their internal compass, to speak their minds and/or to act.

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Lieke Thijssen started The ‘Leiderschapshuis’ as an initiative that searches for new forms of leadership & organization and brings leaders together to meet, reflect & learn; it offers a home for leaders.

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Joop de Vries is an author and scenario planner. “My main area of interest is in ‘planning without numbers’, revolving around mental maps and the use of scenarios. I like to contribute to the development of Europe as a values community, more confident and generous than at present, as a result of inspiring leadership.”

The Advisory Board

Henk Breukink

Henk Breukink

Member Supervisory Boards ING Group, Nieuwe Steen Investments; Chairman Supervisory Boards Heembouw, Inholland University; Coach for senior executives at Executive Development Dialogue

Jamy Goewie

Jamy Goewie

Launch Director, Ashoka Netherlands

Simone Heidema

Simone Heidema

Managing Partner CPI Risk, Finance & Governance

Abbe Luersman

Abbe Luersman

Chief HR Officer and member Executive Committee, Ahold

Ronald Meijers

Ronald Meijers

Partner Transformation, Leadership & Governance, Deloitte